
Herbst 2015 – zusam­men mit PEDAL IQ ver­ab­schie­de­ten wir das neue Pro­dukt­de­sign für das First Aid Kit, spe­zi­ell für Rad­sport­ler. Schnit­tig, sport­lich und ganz schön sty­lisch (sie­he Blog-Arti­kel Web­shop Design Pedal IQ). Der dazu­ge­hö­ri­ge WEB­SHOP – eben­falls schlicht, sport­lich-ele­gant und tief­schwarz im BIG-BOY-DESIGN.

Wir inter­view­ten Quin­ton Nixon und frag­ten ihn, wie er die Zusam­men­ar­beit mit Sple­ndid emp­fand und v.a., ob er uns denn wei­ter emp­feh­len kann. Wir sind hap­py: denn laut sei­ner Aus­sa­ge und dem fol­gen­den Inter­view kann und wird er….Danke PEDAL IQ!


The com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is what I app­re­cia­ted most about working with Sple­ndid. Pho­ne calls, e‑mail, video-con­fe­ren­cing with screen sha­ring, wha­te­ver com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on was neces­sa­ry was always time­ly and to the point. There’s a lot about design and web tech­no­lo­gy that I’m unfa­mi­li­ar with. The team from Sple­ndid were always able to ans­wer my ques­ti­ons in a way that made sen­se to me and they made sure I knew all the opti­ons available to me and explai­ned the pros and cons of dif­fe­rent choices.


Our time­line was the most dif­fi­cult aspect of the pro­ject. We nee­ded to launch our pro­duct at one of the big­gest trade shows in our indus­try. The­re was zero fle­xi­bi­li­ty in the launch date. Sple­ndid sol­ved this pro­blem by hel­ping us focus on the most important aspects of our site and pro­duct launch. They built us a smal­ler site that had big­ger impact. Ins­tead of spen­ding valuable time for­mat­ting pages and pages of text that was unli­kely to be read, Sple­ndid hel­ped us iden­ti­fy the essen­ti­al ele­ments of our offe­ring and crea­ted for us a look and feel that said more than any words we could come up with.


When it comes to crea­ti­vi­ty and inno­va­ti­on, Sple­ndid is sim­ply superb. They not only excee­ded my expec­ta­ti­on, they con­sis­t­ent­ly excee­ded my ima­gi­na­ti­on. Sple­ndid uses tools and tech­ni­ques that seem like magic some­ti­mes. At one point during the pro­ject we nee­ded an image that pro­per­ly con­vey­ed our mes­sa­ge. We didn’t have time to orga­ni­ze a pho­to shot so Sple­ndid crea­ted a cus­tom 3D ani­ma­ti­on. Any­ti­me we didn’t have some­thing we felt we nee­ded, Sple­ndid was able to crea­te it. Logos, color palet­tes, pro­duct pack­a­ging, everything.


One of the things I like most about working with Sple­ndid is that the­re is no “push,” it’s all “pull.” First and fore­most, they lis­ten to what I want as a cus­to­mer and pro­vi­de it. But they also show me other opti­ons to con­sider wit­hout me having to ask. During this pro­cess my eyes have been ope­ned to how important litt­le things like font sel­ec­tion or icon ani­ma­ti­on can be. They never tried to tell me how some­thing had to be done. Ins­tead, they always show­ed me dif­fe­rent pos­si­bi­li­ties of how things could be done. I’ve heard hor­ror sto­ries of some desi­gners put­ting design dog­ma over cus­to­mer satisfaction.

There’s none of that with Sple­ndid. Their focus is 100% making sure I’m hap­py with what we come up with together.
Con­su­mers are beco­ming more visu­al as shop­pers ever­y­day. When someone wants to buy some­thing, they are likely to see it on a small screen befo­re see­ing it in per­son. For com­pa­nies to be suc­cessful, they need to “own” the small screen inter­ac­tion and that means pay­ing more atten­ti­on to design in gene­ral and web design spe­ci­fi­cal­ly. If someone can’t see your web­page on a smart pho­ne it’s almost like you don’t exist. From the begin­ning, the site Sple­ndid desi­gned for us work­ed on pho­nes, tablets and desk­tops. We didn’t have to build a site and then build a second mobi­le site. Sple­ndid built the right site for us in the first place.

I’d recom­mend Sple­ndid Mar­ke­ting wit­hout hesi­ta­ti­on. They under­stand the uni­que chal­lenges facing small brands and how to use excep­tio­nal design and modern web tools to help tho­se brands compete.